Available to stream: January 20, 2025 12:00 am - January 27, 2025 12:00 am ET


Presented by SustainFloyd
About the Film


When Hilde Back sponsored a young, rural Kenyan student, she thought nothing of it. She certainly never expected to hear from him, but years later, she does. Now a Harvard graduate and a Human Rights Lawyer for the United Nations, Chris Mburu decides to find the stranger that changed his life. Inspired by her generosity he starts a scholarship program of his own, which gives a new generation of Kenyan students the hope of affording an education. With clarity and grace, A Small Act, bears witness to the ripple effect one singular action can have.

I am having trouble registering for the film.

To register for the film, please click on the yellow “Register” button, complete the fields and enter your invitation code provided by your screening host. If you are having trouble registering on this page, please try copying and pasting the invitation code that your screening host sent to you, registering with a different email address and/or registering through a different browser/incognito window. If none of those solutions work, please contact your screening host.

I have registered and am having trouble accessing the film.

If you have clicked “Register” on the screening page and have completed the registration process but you are not able to play the film, please check:

  • Your screening window has begun (found at the top of your screening room)
  • You have fully completed the registration process by clicking “Register” and entered all fields
  • You have logged into the screening room by clicking “Event Login” and entering the email address you registered with and your event invitation code
  • You are using one of the following browsers: Safari or Google Chrome. Other browsers are not supported.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host.

I am having trouble logging back into my event.

Please be sure to click “Event Login” and use the email address you used to register and the invitation code for your event.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host.

How long can I access the film?

The film is available to watch during the dates and times listed at the top left of your screening room. You may watch the film as many times as you like during your screening window.

How can I share this film with my community?

You can purchase a license to screen this and other great documentaries on our site here: rocofilms.com

Still having trouble accessing the film?

Please contact us at [email protected] and we will help you out!