Available to stream: June 16, 2023 12:00 am - June 28, 2023 11:59 pm CET


How to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.
Präsentiert von Bruker BioSpin

PICTURE A SCIENTIST is a feature-length documentary film chronicling the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. A biologist, a chemist and a geologist lead viewers on a journey deep into their own experiences in the sciences, overcoming brutal harassment, institutional discrimination, and years of subtle slights to revolutionize the culture of science. From cramped laboratories to spectacular field sites, we also encounter scientific luminaries who provide new perspectives on how to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.


“Quietly devastating.” – The Boston Globe

“Fascinating and frightening examination of bias.” – WGBH

“Sweeping in scope yet intimately compelling.” – Science


Nancy Hopkins is a molecular biologist and professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is known for her research identifying the role genes play in longevity and cancer predisposition in adult fish, as well as for her work promoting equality of opportunity for women scientists in academia. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Raychelle Burks is a professor of analytical chemistry at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. Her research focuses on developing low-cost colorimetric sensors for detecting chemicals of forensic interest, including explosives and regulated drugs. As a science communicator, Burks has appeared on the Science Channel’s Outrageous Acts of Science, the American Chemical Society’s Reactions videos, Royal Society of Chemistry podcasts, and at genre conventions such as DragonCon and GeekGirlCon. Burks was awarded the 2020 American Chemical Society Grady-Stack award for excellence in public engagement.

Jane Willenbring is a geomorphologist and professor of geology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and director of the Scripps Cosmogenic Isotope Laboratory. Willenbring’s research examines the evolution of the Earth’s surface, especially how landscapes are affected by tectonics, climate change, and life on Earth. She is a 2018 Geological Society of America Fellow, and the recipient of the Antarctica Service Medal and the National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

An inclusive workplace is defined as a work environment that makes every employee feel valued while also acknowledging their differences and how these differences contribute to the organization’s culture and business outcomes.

An inclusive workplace is characterized by affirmative action, wherein any impact of bias/discrimination/unequal opportunity is negated.

Let’s work together to make Bruker a truly inclusive workplace!

-Nathalie Pierrisnard

Un lieu de travail inclusif est défini comme un environnement de travail où chaque employé se sent valorisé tout en reconnaissant ses différences et la manière dont ces différences contribuent à la culture de l’organisation et à ses résultats commerciaux.

Un lieu de travail inclusif se caractérise par une action positive, qui annule tout impact des préjugés, de la discrimination et de l’inégalité des chances”

Travaillons ensemble à faire de Bruker un véritable lieu de travail inclusif !

-Nathalie Pierrisnard

Ein integrativer Arbeitsplatz ist definiert als ein Arbeitsumfeld, in dem sich jeder Mitarbeiter wertgeschätzt fühlt und gleichzeitig seine Unterschiede und deren Beitrag zur Unternehmenskultur und zu den Geschäftsergebnissen anerkannt werden. Ein integrativer Arbeitsplatz zeichnet sich durch positive Maßnahmen aus, bei denen jegliche Auswirkungen von Voreingenommenheit/Diskriminierung/ die Ungleichheit der Chancen negiert werden.

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam daran arbeiten, Bruker zu einem echten, inklusiven Arbeitsplatz zu machen!

-Nathalie Pierrisnard

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To register for the film, please click on the yellow “Register” button, complete the fields and enter your invitation code provided by your screening host. If you are having trouble registering on this page, please try copying and pasting the invitation code that your screening host sent to you, registering with a different email address and/or registering through a different browser/incognito window. If none of those solutions work, please contact your screening host.

I have already registered but I am having trouble accessing the film.

If you have clicked “Register” on the screening page and have completed the registration process but you are not able to play the film, please check that:

  • Your screening window has begun (found at the top of your screening room)
  • You have fully completed the registration process by clicking “Register” and entered all fields
  • You have logged into the screening room by clicking “Event Login” and entering the email address you registered with and your event invitation code
  • Check your browser: We support FireFox, Chrome, and Safari. Other browsers may have issues playing the film.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host.

I am having trouble logging back into my event.

Please be sure to click “Event Login” and use the email address you used to register and the invitation code for your event. 

If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host.

How long can I access the film?

The film is available to watch during the dates and times listed at the top left of your screening room. You may watch the film as many times as you like during your screening window. 

How can I share this film with my community?

You can purchase a license to screen this and other great documentaries on our site here: rocofilms.com.