Where does someone turn when facing an unplanned pregnancy? Preconceived tells the stories of Maleeha and Maria, two women who, while navigating unplanned pregnancies, inadvertently found themselves at facilities discouraging them from abortions. The film is a window in to these enigmatic centers that some call “pregnancy resource centers” and others call “fake clinics.” Shedding light on how many of these centers are a part of a movement striving to make abortion unthinkable and illegal, the documentary explores the complex role of deception, finances, faith, and privacy. Amid a shifting legal landscape, Preconceived underscores the significance of understanding the resources available to pregnant people.
Abortion Truth Campaign is a Massachusetts coalition of organizations and individuals supporting education, advocacy, and policymaking to protect women and folks who are pregnant from the lies, disinformation, and predatory practices of anti-abortion centers, also known as ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ (CPCs). We are committed to promoting safe, accurate, accessible reproductive healthcare and ending CPC disinformation. https://abortiontruthcampaign.org/
The Indivisible Mass Coalition Feminist Action Team is composed of members of Indivisible groups and allied organizations from across Massachusetts whose goal is to further the reproductive and other rights of women and to fight for a democracy that values and ensures equal rights for women. indivisible-ma.org
Amherst Young Feminist Party; Boston Red Cloaks; Concord Indivisible; Friends of Family Planning of Martha’s Vineyard; Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution; Indivisible Acton Area; IndivisibleLAB; Indivisible Greater Andover; Indivisible Martha’s Vineyard; Indivisible Northampton-Swing Left Western Mass: Indivisible Outer Cape; Lower Cape Indivisible; Mystic Valley Action 4 Repro Justice; National Council of Jewish Women (Mass); Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts; P.O.W.E.Repro; Upper Cape Women’s Coalition.
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If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host at at [email protected].
The film is available to watch during the dates and times listed at the top left of your screening room. You may watch the film as many times as you like during your screening window.
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