Available to stream: November 7, 2023 12:01 am - November 21, 2023 11:59 pm EST


Would you go first?
A Presentation for Parliament Hill
About the Film

In 2011, Lisa Hepner and her husband Guy Mossman heard about a radical stem cell treatment for diabetes, a disease that shockingly kills more than five million people each year. Driven by a desire to cure Lisa of her own type 1 diabetes (T1D), the filmmakers were given unprecedented, real-time access to a clinical trial — only the sixth-ever embryonic stem cell trial in the world. What follows is an intimate journey with the patients and scientists who put themselves on the line to be first.

For seven years, Lisa and Guy embedded themselves with a biotech company in San Diego. They filmed the researchers’ triumphs and failures in the lab, following them from Tokyo to Riyadh as they raised money to keep their trial going. At the same time, the husband/wife team followed two patients, the self-described “guinea pigs” at the University of Minnesota. Combining these two points of view, the filmmakers reveal the emotional and physical rollercoaster that scientists and patients go through as they travel along the road to a cure for disease.


En 2011, Lisa Hepner et son conjoint Guy Mossman ont entendu parler d’un traitement radical par cellules souches contre le diabète, une maladie qui tue chaque année plus de cinq millions de personnes. Animés par le désir de guérir Lisa de son propre diabète de type 1 (T1D), les cinéastes ont eu droit à un accès sans précédent et en temps réel à un essai clinique, le sixième essai à l’aide de cellules souches provenant d’embryons jamais mené dans le monde. La suite constitue un cheminement intime auprès des patients et des chercheurs qui mettent leur vie en jeu afin d’être les premiers.

Pendant sept ans, Lisa et Guy se sont insérés dans une entreprise de biotechnologie de San Diego. Ils ont filmé les triomphes et échecs des chercheurs en laboratoire, les ont suivi de Tokyo à Riyadh alors qu’ils amassaient des fonds pour la survie de leur essai. En même temps, le couple de cinéastes suivait deux patients, qui se décrivaient eux-mêmes comme « cobayes » à l’Université du Minnesota. En combinant ces deux points de vue, les cinéastes dévoilent les hauts et les bas, tant physiques que qu’émotifs, que vivent les chercheurs et les patients dans leur longue quête d’une cure pour cette maladie.

We are a group of optimists who believe that sharing stories about real people and real issues makes us stronger.

ROCO Educational

Our team actively advocates for documentaries to be licensed, screened and discussed in community-settings, such as auditoriums, classrooms, libraries, non-profits and businesses.  Here’s where you can make a difference in your community by Hosting a Screening.

ROCO Impact

Whether working with organizations and companies that want to expand their reach and inspire action around issues and ideas, or working collaboratively with a film team and it’s community partners to build a campaign, our goal is to complement and expand the potential for documentary impact and awareness.


Nous sommes un groupe d’optimistes qui croient que partager les histoires vécues et les vrais enjeux nous rend plus forts.

ROCO Educational

Notre équipe milite activement pour que les documentaires, soient autorisés, projetés et discutés dans des lieux communautaires, comme les auditoriums, les clases, les bibliothèques, les OSBL et les entreprises. Voici comment vous pourriez faire une différence dans votre communauté en organisant une projection .

Impact de ROCO
Que ce soit en collaborant avec des organismes et des entreprises qui souhaitent étendre leur rayonnement et inspirer à l’action face à des enjeux et des idées, ou en collaborant avec une équipe de cinéastes et ses partenaires communautaires afin de développer une campagne, notre objectif consiste à compléter et à bonifier le potentiel d’impact et de sensibilisation des documentaires.

I am having trouble registering for the film.

To register for the film, please click on the yellow “Register” button, complete the fields and enter your invitation code provided by your screening host. If you are having trouble registering on this page, please try copying and pasting the invitation code that your screening host sent to you, registering with a different email address and/or registering through a different browser/incognito window. If none of those solutions work, please contact your screening host.

I have registered and am having trouble accessing the film.

If you have clicked “Register” on the screening page and have completed the registration process but you are not able to play the film, please check:

  • Your screening window has begun (found at the top of your screening room)
  • You have fully completed the registration process by clicking “Register” and entered all fields
  • You have logged into the screening room by clicking “Event Login” and entering the email address you registered with and your event invitation code

If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host.

I am having trouble logging back into my event.

Please be sure to click “Event Login” and use the email address you used to register and the invitation code for your event.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact your screening host.

How long can I access the film?

The film is available to watch during the dates and times listed at the top left of your screening room. You may watch the film as many times as you like during your screening window.

How can I share this film with my community?

You can purchase a license to screen this and other great documentaries on our site here: rocofilms.com