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Advanced Style


The recent emergence of street style as a cultural phenomenon has changed the way we look at fashion forever. In 2008, Ari Seth Cohen began a blog depicting the style and stories of the city’s senior set. As Cohen’s blog comes to the attention of the international fashion community, an industry traditionally associated with youth, the ladies find themselves in a position of new-found fame and cultural influence. The documentary focuses on some of Ari’s favourite subjects, whose eclectic personal style and vital spirit have guided their approach to ageing.


  • The Hollywood Reporter
    "It's impossible not to be seduced"
    David Rooney
  • Little White Lies
    "Incredibly warm and life affirming" ★★★★

Festival Participation

  • HotDocs - 2014
  • Melbourne International Film Festival - 2014
  • Rio Film Festival - 2014
  • IDFA - 2014
  • Miami Fashion Film Festival - 2014

Additional Materials

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