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Fukushima – A Nuclear Story


What was it that saved Tokyo from a nuclear disaster? Narrated by Willem Dafoe, this is the story of the foreign journalists who were are allowed to enter the Fukushima-Daiichi power plant after waiting two years to uncover the truth about the 2011 accident hidden behind those walls. The ex-premier Naoto Kan reveals the events as they really happened. Using digital reconstruction to elucidate the scientific complexities of the accident, the film uncovers the layers of accountability at play.


  • The Japan Times
    The Fukushima nuclear plant disaster has been examined in hundreds of documentaries to date, counting all media, nationalities and languages. But “Fukushima: A Nuclear Story” stands out for one simple, powerful reason: Its central figure, Italian journalist Pio d’Emilia, was among the first foreign reporters allowed on the scene after the earthquake and tsunami crippled the plant.

Festival Participation

  • Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Greece - 2015
  • Far East Film Festival - 2016
  • International Uranium Film Festival - 2016
    Best Documentary Feature
  • CinemaAmbiente Festival in Torino - 2016

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