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Millions Can Walk


Large-scale exploitation of mineral resources, the construction of immense plantations and tremendous infrastructure projects have resulted in the displacement of over 30 million indigenous Indians from their forest homes. the fact that these people have been and still are being driven from their homes and robbed of their peaceful existence. In one of the biggest campaigns since Ghandi led India to independence, 100,000 displaced indigenous Indians walk to Delhi to demand that the government recognize their rights.


  • Cineman
    How can one fight for one’s rights without resorting to violence? The film spreads far beyond the borders of India. It shows the multiple facets of this imposing protest march and focuses on the daily realities of these proud people

Festival Participation

  • Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - 2014
  • Indian Film Festival Stuttgart - 2014
    Best documentary
  • Internationales Filmfestival Freiburg
  • Mumbai International Film Festival - 2014
  • Sudan Independent Film Festival

Additional Materials

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