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The C Word


With a dose of good humor, heart, and a touch of rock—n—roll beat, THE C WORD reveals the forces at play keeping us sick and dares to ask: if up to 70% of cancer deaths are preventable…what are we waiting for?
At the heart of THE C WORD are powerful, twin narratives: one from celebrated French neuroscientist and cancer revolutionary Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, the other from THE C WORD’s own director, Meghan L. O’Hara. After braving the journey from diagnosis to wellness, Meghan and David join forces on a wild ride of discovery; including hidden science, the absurdity of the status quo, and a vibrant cast of characters changing the game.


    "Immensely captivating and persuasive, “The C Word” is a trenchant film with a crucial message that bears repeating."
    “It’s time to stop being afraid of cancer — it’s time for cancer to be afraid of us.” Lent a warm sense of authority by the dulcet tones of Morgan Freeman, this aphorism encapsulates the upbeat, constructive tone of Meghan LaFrance O’Hara’s documentary “The C Word,” an impassioned advocation of preventative cancer treatment that brazenly counters the methods of Big Pharma.
    "Morgan Freeman narrates and executive produced a documentary that addresses the failings in Western medicine’s approach to cancer. Against the odds, the film is as vibrant as it is personal and urgent."
    “We’ve all been touched by a loved one being impacted by cancer. Walking out of the film, the viewer will find they have a much greater control of their destiny than when they walked in. For a film about sickness, it provides new hope for staying well, but it’s up to us.”
    “On first look, the Servan-Schreiber program doesn’t sound like rocket science: eat well, exercise, avoid stress, eliminate toxins. But people in the film testify that it works, and they say that the reason no one has followed up on this “trite but revolutionary” (Servan-Schreiber’s words) regimen is that it doesn’t involve expensive drugs or machinery that will earn more money for the multibillion-dollar anti- cancer industry.”
    “Nor are his rules easy to follow in a culture that pushes excess consumption, allows toxic ingredients in products, and engenders stress. But what makes it all seem plausible is the example of Servan- Schreiber himself: 20 years cancer-free, with the drive and charisma to pursue his dream of a world where the disease is preventable.”

Festival Participation

  • Illuminate Film Festival
    Audience Award
  • Hamptons International Film Festival
  • Cleveland International Film Festival.

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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