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A Hebrew Lesson

David Ofek 2006

Students from all corners of the world and all walks of life meet in a Hebrew language Ulpan, where their personal stories merge with the complexities of life in Israel. The immense effort of learning a new language is revealed through their encounter with a strange culture and an unfamiliar environment. Israeli society appears at times funny, at times sad and at times inexplicable. Beyond the surface differences, the shared experiences of human longing and love triumph.


  • Variety Review, 2007
    Engrossing documentary "A Hebrew Lesson" brings a fresh take on how non-natives cope with life in a new culture.

    Jay Weissberg
  • Y-Net Review, 2006
    This movie oozes love and compassion. Every second of its 123 minutes is a celebration of pure humanity… the characters in the movie - the teacher, students, workers, and policemen – share a type of all-embracing human brotherhood. They are all entitled to compassion, and they all emanate compassion... It is not an artistic, sophisticated, prettified representation - but an analysis of humanity itself. Is there anything better to say about a documentary film?
    Jon Feder
  • IndieWIRE Review, 2006
    David Ofek's "A Hebrew Lesson," a delightful if thought-provoking look at the problems of several immigrant students in an oulpan, or intensive Hebrew class, traditionally a means of adapting newcomers to the values of the Jewish state.
    Howard Feinstein

Festival Participation

  • The Jerusalem International Film Festival - 2006
    Best Documentary Director Award, The Wolgin Award
  • The International Film Festival Rotterdam - 2007
  • Official Selection - 30th Göteborg International Film Festival - 2007
  • Official Selection – 22nd Israel film festival - 2007
  • Official Selection - 7th Israeli film festival in Paris - 2007
  • In Competition – The Bermuda International Film Festival - 2007
  • In Competition - Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - 2007
  • In Competition – The Chicago International Documentary Film Festival - 2007
  • Official Selection – The Toronto Jewish Film Festival - 2007
  • Official Selection – The Stockholm Jewish Film Festival - 2007
  • Official Selection – 4th International Film Festival ‘Jewish Motifs’ in Warsaw - 2007
  • Official Selection – 56th Melbourne International Film Festival - 2007
  • Official Selection – 15th Filmfest Hamburg - 2007
  • Best Documentary Series Award - The Israeli Documentary Filmmakers´ Forum Competition - 2007
  • In Competition- The Pärnu International Film Festival - 2007

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