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Exile To The Wild West


Canada, Iqaluit…
They arrive on an island of rock, close to the arctic circle, with the desire to start over. The Great North is supposed to be a place where their lives can lay fallow. The hope is to eventually leave and begin anew. Instead, they cannot leave. They never leave.
Regardless of whence they came, or what they did, they are now taxi drivers in a city surrounded by impenetrable snow. Alone behind the wheel, they drive night and day in literal circles around the “ring road”, a loop of asphalt around ten kilometers long. The hours are long, and the redundancy is broken only by the time spent thinking of the life that awaits them back south.”

Festival Participation

  • Trace de vie - 2018
    Prix Université Blaise - Pascal
  • Rendez - vous du cinéma québécois et francophone à Vancouver - 2019
  • RVQC Montreal - 2019
  • Festival des films du monde de Sherbrooke - 2019

Additional Materials

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