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Mary-Jo Will See You at 4


Somewhere in Paris, 90-year-old Marie-José Tubiana awaits a visit. For a long time, she was an ethnologist, specialist of the region of Darfur, western Sudan.
The visitors she receives daily do not come here just for tea. What they are looking for is the crucial help that only this exceptional woman can give them.
All of them are survivors of the genocide that has struck the populations of Darfur since 2003.
During each visit, the old lady’s apartment becomes the closed doors of an intensely truthful exchange.


  • Le Monde
    Not to be missed | A striking example of what cinema can do when the right people come together
    Jacques Mandelbaum
  • Politis
    The documentary filmmaker paints the portrait of a tireless activist whose knowledge of Darfur allows her to effectively help the exiles. Extensive, deep, intimate.
    Christophe Kantcheff

Festival Participation

  • Prix Lumières - France - 2023
    Nominee, Best Documentary (Meilleur documentaire)
  • SCAM (Société civile des auteurs multimédia) - 2023
    Étoile de la Scam
  • Festival International Jean Rouch - 2022
    Prix Fleury Doc & Prix Monde en regards
  • FIPADOC - Festival International Documentaire • Biarritz - 2022
    Grand Prix Documentaire national
  • Le Grand Bivouac | Festival du film documentaire & du livre - 2022
    Grand Prix Reflets du Monde, Prix du Public
  • FIFF - Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur - Belgium - 2022
    FIFF Campus

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