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Scarlet Road. A Sex Worker’s Journey


As a vocal advocate for everyone’s right to sexual expression, Sydney sex worker Rachel Wotton is passionate about providing people with disabilities the opportunity to experience sexual intimacy. She helped set up an advocacy group, runs workshops for carers and sex workers, and is studying for a masters degree in her spare time.
The indefatigable blonde also provides a specialised service to her clients, two of whom, John and Mark, permit the cameras in to record their most intimate moments. Their pride and pleasure makes this one of the most uplifting films you’ll see all year.


  • Video Librarian
    This is a caring, non-exploitive look at a serious subject. Recommended.
  • Educational Media Reviews Online
    Portrayed with humor, frankness and compassion, Scarlet Road should be recommended viewing for any group that works with people with disabilities. Social sciences classes and library collections will also find this a worthy addition… Highly Recommended

Festival Participation

  • EOP Festival, Belgium
    Prix du Public (Audience Award)
  • Sydney Film Festival
  • Hot Docs (Toronto)

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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